Common Machete Styles and Their Uses

Common Machete Styles and Their Uses

26th Sep 2016

I would love for there to be an end-all style of machete. Unfortunately, there are just too many specified tasks for there to be a single standout style. That being said, here are some of the most commonly used and most practical of machetes.
The Latin machete is probably the first thing that comes to mind, when someone mentions the tools of the jungle trade. Latin machetes are well balanced and have a straight spine from tip to tang. Effective at cutting through brush, it lacks a bit of luster when it comes to its chopping power. However, this straight edge lends itself well to chores around the campsite. The time-tested design has shown that if you're willing to put in the effort, then the rugged Latin machete will perform.
The Falcata style machete is my personal favorite and for good reason. Much like a kukri (which is really a knife), the tapered blade allows the weight to work for you when chopping but also allows you to carve with the blade since it is thinner and more maneuverable near the handle. Having a nice spear point also makes it suitable for defense, such as a slashing and thrusting weapon. 
With a Two-Handed Machete nothing can stand in the way of your chopping might! Evident in the name, using two hands is key here and it works wonders. Chop down trees if you have the endurance for it, then split the wood to build a shelter. Unfortunately, this machete is far too cumbersome to perform small delicate tasks like carving or skinning. Best to bring a side knife!