Lhasa Tibetan Phurba Magical Dagger

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This item has been retired by the manufacturer.



This item has been retired by the manufacturer.

Common to countries of Tibet, Nepal and India, the magic of the Lhasa Tibetan Phurba dagger comes from the effect that the dagger has on the realm of the spirit. Often used by magicians or lamas, the tantric use of the phurba encompasses the curing of disease, exorcism, killing demons, meditation, consecrations, and could even effect weather.

The blade of the phurba is used for the destruction of demonic powers. The top end of this phurba has 4 faces topped with a horse head and is used for blessings. The intricate handle is pierced and carved cast brass with 3 snakes entwining down the blade. The demon piercing tip is steel with an aged appearance.

Large Phurba Dagger also available.

Made by the master artisans at Windlass Steelcrafts.